It’s Official!

Sep 16 , 2020

SLGD recently has joined two awesome services Zoom and Calendly to its communication processes. We have learned a few things from COVID. To streamline and to use our time wisely we will use Calendly for scheduling meetings and Zoom to facilitate meetings. We are getting back out into the public for in-person meetings but for where we can to save time we prefer to meet virtually. We’ll use this technology for networking, 1to1s, and client meetings where necessary. We hope that you will not feel bad about our social distancing but we feel that a lot of time is wasted driving across town, meeting, and then driving back to the office. About an hour and a half is wasted on each meeting. WE’ve also found that it can be very frustrating to email back forth trying to find a time to meet. Calendly makes that process easy. We’ll send a link to our calendar and you can choose a day and time that works best for you. Calendly has additional features that make connecting and automation easy. We look forward to seeing you virtually.